In the past 36 hours we've had a very busy itinerary. We departed Angers at 8 on Thursday and we're exploring Le Mt St Michel by 11. Fortunately the bad weather held off and caught a few pictures with blue skies. We checked into our second youth hostel, ate, and thenha a group game night which included them acting out major sites we've seen (and their chaperone's traits) in charades.
Today was another full day spanning nearly 1,000 history with Bayeux Tapestry (year 1066) which chronicles the Norman Conquest of England, then nearly seven hours of D-Day and WWII history at a fantastic, interactive museum, then a 5-hour tour of the major sites including Omaha Beach and the American Cemetary at Colleville-sur-Mer. Our tour guide knew an incredible amount of history.
Tomorrow we'll load the bus for 8am and head to the airport.
As far as we know, everything looks to be on time so we'll expect you between 6 and 6:30 at the airport.
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